The green glossary
Everything about ESG, CSR, CSRD etc.
Chris Kaiser
- 06/08/2024
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The green glossary: Here you can find everything about ESG, CSR, CSRD etc.
Here you will find brief explanations of the best-known abbreviations in the field of sustainability.
CAT (Click A Tree)
Click A Tree is the uncomplicated sustainability solution for your company.
If you want to make your company more sustainable, collect more points in the CSRD report or generally increase your ESG score, you’ve come to the right place.
If you are interested, you can find specific examples of how other companies are successfully implementing their ESG measures here.
CCF (Corporate Carbon Footprint)
CCF stands for the carbon footprint of a company.
This term describes the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by a company’s activities.
This includes direct emissions from our own sources, such as factories and vehicles, as well as indirect emissions from purchased energy or through the use of products and services.
CSDDD (Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive)
CSDDD stands for the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
This European Union directive is intended to oblige companies to carefully review their supply chains and business practices in order to avoid and minimize negative impacts on the environment, human rights and social issues.
The aim is to promote responsible corporate behavior and ensure that companies fulfill their responsibility for sustainability.
The CSDDD applies to EU and non-EU companies with more than 1000 employees and a turnover of more than 450 million euros.
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
CSR stands for corporate social responsibility.
It describes the voluntary measures that companies take to have a positive impact on society and the environment.
It is about more than just maximizing profits – companies take responsibility for their impact on the world.
Corporate: Refers to companies and organizations.
Social: Refers to a company’s impact on people and society.
Responsibility: Refers to a company’s duty to look after the welfare of people and the environment.
CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)
CSRD stands for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
This European Union directive obliges larger companies to report in detail on their sustainability practices and performance.
The aim is to improve the transparency and comparability of sustainability information in order to provide investors, customers and other interest groups with a sound basis for decision-making.
Corporate: Refers to large companies and organizations.
Sustainability: Refers to measures to promote environmental protection, social responsibility and economic responsibility.
Reporting Directive: Refers to the mandatory regulations that define how companies must report on their sustainability efforts and results.
Here you can find more details about the CSRD Directive and find out whether your company is required to report or not.
DNK (German Sustainability Code)
DNK stands for the German Sustainability Code.
This is a transparency standard for sustainability reporting used by companies and organizations.
The Sustainability Code helps to present sustainability performance in a comparable and understandable way and provides a framework for reporting on environmental, social and governance aspects (see ESG).
ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance)
ESG stands for environmental, social and governance.
These three areas are used to assess how responsible and sustainable a company is.
Environmental: How a company protects and preserves the environment, for example by taking measures to protect the climate or reduce waste.
Social: How a company treats its employees and society, e.g. through fair working conditions, health and safety and social responsibility.
Governance: How a company is managed, including compliance with laws, transparency and the way in which decisions are made.
ESG is a kind of synonym for sustainability.
Companies can use this structure on a voluntary basis to make their business more sustainable.
ESRS (European Sustainability Reporting Standards)
ESRS stands for the European Sustainability Reporting Standards.
These standards define how companies in the European Union should report on their sustainability practices and performance.
The aim is to increase transparency and comparability so that investors, customers and other stakeholders can better understand how sustainable a company is.
European (European): Refers to the European Union and its member states.
Sustainability: Refers to a company’s measures to protect the environment, assume social responsibility and act in an economically responsible manner.
Reporting Standards: Refers to the rules and guidelines that define how companies should disclose their sustainability information.
CSRD emerged from ESRS.
There are a total of 10 ESRS subtopics.
With Click A Tree you support 7 of these 10 subtopics and can shine accordingly in the CSRD reports.
EU Green Deal
EU Green Deal (European Green Deal)
The EU Green Deal is a plan by the European Union to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050.
This means that the EU wants to remove more greenhouse gases from the atmosphere than it produces.
This plan includes a series of measures and strategies aimed at protecting the environment, making the economy more sustainable and improving people’s quality of life.
European Union (European Union): A political and economic union of 27 European countries.
Green Deal: A comprehensive plan aimed at combating climate change and protecting the environment. It includes measures such as reducing CO? emissions, promoting renewable energies, improving energy efficiency and protecting biodiversity.
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
GRI stands for the Global Reporting Initiative.
It is an independent organization that develops globally recognized standards for sustainability reporting.
These standards help companies and other organizations to communicate their environmental, social and economic impacts openly and transparently.
LkSG (Supply Chain Due Diligence Act)
LkSG stands for the Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, also known as the German Supply Chain Act.
This law obliges companies to comply with human rights and environmental due diligence obligations in their supply chains.
The aim is to ensure that companies take responsibility for the entire supply chain and take measures to prevent or minimize human rights violations and environmental damage.
Paris Agreement
Paris Agreement
The Paris Agreement is an international agreement that was concluded at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris in 2015.
It aims to limit the global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels and to make efforts to limit it to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
This agreement obliges the signatory states to take measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to regularly review and improve their climate protection plans.
SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative)
SBTi stands for the initiative for science-based targets.
This initiative helps companies to set climate protection targets that are based on scientific findings and are in line with the Paris Agreement.
The aim is to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius and to make efforts to reduce it to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
SDG (Sustainable Development Goals)
SDG stands for the Sustainable Development Goals.
These goals were set by the United Nations in 2015 and are to be achieved by 2030.
There are a total of 17 goals aimed at ending poverty worldwide, protecting the planet and ensuring prosperity and peace for all people.
Each goal has specific targets and indicators to measure progress and ensure that no one is left behind.
If you want to know more: Here you can find out all about the 17 sustainability goals and how Click A Tree contributes to them.
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