7 amazing facts about the baobab tree
Learn where baobabs grow, how tall they become and why their fruits are true superfood
Author Chris Kaiser
- Last updated: 4. August 2024
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Have you ever seen a baobab tree? It looks marvelous, doesn’t it?
But it doesn’t just look great. Baobab trees are also known to have some incredible superpowers.
Read on to learn the most spectacular tree facts about these baobabs.
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The baobab tree is one of the most useful trees in the world. Every part is amazing in its characteristics and benefits – from its young leaves and seeds to its old hollowed-out trunk.
Did you know that baobabs live for thousands of years and support entire ecosystems?
Read on to discover 7 amazing facts about these remarkable trees!
1. Where do baobab trees grow?
There are 9 species of baobabs.
Six of them grow only in Madagascar, two are found in large parts of Africa, and one baobab species has made it as far as Australia.
Opinions differ as to exactly when this happened, but it is known that baobabs have been around since the time of the dinosaurs 200 million years ago!
2. Baobabs are among the longest-lived trees
Baobabs can live for thousands of years.
The oldest known baobab tree was the Panke baobab tree in Zimbabwe, which is 2450 years old¹.
Baobabs only have very weak annual rings. Radiocarbon dating* is therefore used to determine their age.
One of the key enemies to Baobab is the loss of forests. Hence here you can learn all about Deforestation: Meaning, Causes, Effects and Solutions.
3. Baobabs are record-breakingly large
The largest species of baobab is the African baobab (Adansonia digitata).
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest living baobab tree is the Sagole Big Tree in South Africa.
It measures a whopping 60.6 square meters at its base, has a height of 19.8 m and an above-ground dry mass estimated at 54 tons².
Want more? Here are further stunning record-breaking trees.
4. Baobabs are the trees of life
Baobabs can store large quantities of fresh water in their extraordinary trunks. This makes them real lifesavers in times of water shortage.
It enables the baobab tree to produce nutritious fruit even in the driest years. This is why the baobab tree is also known as the tree of life.
Would you like to grow your own super tree? You can! The baobab is one of the trees that Click A Tree plants as part of our work in Ghana.
Each contribution plants really useful trees like the baobab tree, which will provide the community with water, shade and a rich harvest of fruit in the years to come.
Find out more about our tree planting project in Ghana.
5. Baobab fruits are a true superfood
Baobab fruits can be used both fresh and dried. They are super nutritious, especially in their dried form, which is sold as a powder.
The baobab powder does not need any preservatives or artificial processes to stay fresh for 2 years³!
This is great news because the baobab fruit is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Baobab fruits are a true superfood. They contain 6 times more vitamin C than oranges and 6 times more potassium than bananas.
The fruit, leaves, bark and seeds of the baobab tree have powerful health benefits and are traditionally used to treat illnesses, reduce fever and stimulate the immune system.
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6. Baobab seed oil for skin and hair beauty
The oil pressed from baobab seeds has long been a popular ingredient in natural skin and hair care products.
Baobab seed oil is intensely moisturizing and contains linoleic, linolenic and omega-3 fatty acids, which help to soothe dry and irritated skin⁴.
Baobab seed oil is also naturally insect repellent!
7. Baobab trees are crucial parts of the ecosystem
Baobabs play a major role in the ecosystem of the African dry savannahs.
Firstly, they help to keep the soil moist, slow down soil erosion and recycle important nutrients.
Secondly, hundreds of animals find food, water and shelter in baobabs.
Elephants eat the bark for moisture when there is no water nearby.
They also eat the fruit and in return help the baobab tree to distribute its seeds.
Love elephants? Here’s the world’s best elephant joke.
After the laugh: Go ahead and grow trees for these magnificent animals.
Baobab - a tree like no other
Baobabs are really something special, as there are over 300 known uses for their products.
From a source of food and shelter to cosmetic products and medicines, baobabs are essential not only for humans but also for animals and other plants.
After all, these forest giants had over 200 million years to become super trees!
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FAQ and more facts about Baobab trees and Baobab fruits
Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about baobab trees and their fruits.
What is a baobab?
A baobab is a large, distinctive tree native to Africa, Madagascar, and Australia.
Known for its massive trunk, it can store large amounts of water.
Baobabs are often called “trees of life” due to their ability to provide food, water, and shelter.
They have a lifespan of several thousand years, symbolizing longevity and resilience.
How old are baobab trees?
Baobab trees can live for several thousand years.
Some baobabs are estimated to be almost 2,500 years old.
Their long lifespan makes them one of the oldest living trees on earth.
Stunning, right? Share these baobab tree facts with friends!
Can baobab trees grow in Germany?
Baobab trees cannot naturally grow in Germany.
They thrive in tropical and subtropical climates, requiring warm temperatures and plenty of sunlight.
Germany’s cooler, temperate climate is unsuitable for baobab trees to flourish.
However, they can sometimes be grown in controlled environments like greenhouses.
Can you eat baobab tree fruits?
Yes, you can eat baobab tree fruits.
The fruit is often consumed in its powdered form.
It has a tangy, citrus-like flavor.
Baobab fruit is used in smoothies, drinks, and baked goods for its nutritional benefits.
How healthy are baobab fruits truly?
Baobab fruits are highly nutritious and considered a superfood.
They are rich in vitamin C, providing a significant boost to the immune system.
The fruits contain high levels of fiber, which aids digestion and supports gut health.
Baobab fruits also offer antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation.
Additionally, they provide essential minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium, contributing to overall health and well-being.
How big do baobab trees grow?
Baobab trees can grow exceptionally large.
They can reach heights of 50 to 80 feet (15 to 25 meters).
Their trunks can have a circumference of up to 150 feet (46 meters).
These massive dimensions make baobabs some of the largest and most impressive trees in the world.
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Baobab Tree Facts: Sources and Annotations
*The C14-Method – also known as radiocarbon dating or the radiocarbon method – is not only used by archaeologists to determine the age of finds. Researchers are also using this method to investigate the global carbon cycle. It is based on the decay of a certain carbon isotope that is formed in the upper layers of the atmosphere and is later absorbed by all living creatures and the oceans on Earth.⁵
¹ https://www.arboristik.de/baeume_30112018_baobab.html
² https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/635578-largest-living-baobab-tree-volume
³ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/306445#diet
⁴ https://www.healthline.com/health/baobab-oil
⁵ https://www.weltderphysik.de/thema/hinter-den-dingen/c-14-methode/