10 surprisingly simple hacks to protect trees

No mega life changes required

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If breathing is as important to you as it is to us, you’ll love these simple tips for protecting trees. You don’t even have to overturn your entire life!

Who would have thought that it could be so easy to save trees from dying?

“Do you think I can do more than just recycle?” Yes, but don’t worry, you don’t have to completely change your life to become a forest hippie; all it takes is being more aware of the everyday choices you make.

Once you understand your consumption habits and impact, you have the power to have a big impact on the world around you. Win-win for you and the environment!

Here at Click A Tree, we understand that protecting trees is more important than felling and replanting. Reforestation is beneficial, but works best in conjunction with less deforestation.

As the years pass and more and more people wake up to the growing climate pressures, we are learning more productive ways to preserve our nation’s most precious natural resource, the lungs of our planet and the largest carbon sink; our trees!

And now for the best and easiest hacks on how to save trees.

Protect trees hack #1: Fabric, scissors, paper?

This cheat code saves money and gives trees a chance to live.

Using reusable towels and kitchen cloths is cost-friendly and usually does a better job anyway.

Paper towels need to be multi-layered to do the same job that an eco-friendly kitchen towel can do; work smarter, not harder.


Protect trees hack #2: Avoid wasting paper

Around 1 billion trees are used for paper products every year.

While it may seem ideal to write love notes on a new sheet of paper, your eco-conscious loved one will surely appreciate a double-sided note made from recycled paper much more.

Some of our favorite tree protection tips are:

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Protect trees hack #3: Donate books and furniture

When was the last time you picked up the books gathering dust on the shelves? I challenge you to donate a used book that you have read to open bookcases or a second hand store every month.

That desk rotting away in your garage is a feast for the eyes, isn’t it? Did you know that you can recycle MOST things?

Fun idea: organize a book swap among friends and start your new favorite story for free.

Furniture can be handed in to most second-hand dealers. Also check online to see which charities in your area will pick up your used furniture for free!

Some organizations will even repair and reuse your furniture in their charity homes. How good would it feel to save the trees and decorate a home for someone in need?

Protect trees hack #4: Watch where you step!

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re a nature freak like us!

Have you ever been to your favorite nature destination months later, only to find it trampled and in poor condition?

Staying on the trail while hiking is an easy and mutually beneficial task for all nature lovers, and you’ll be doing the trees a favor.

When people leave migration routes, this can lead to erosion, root death, habitat destruction and more. To preserve our beautiful trails and wilderness, take the path that is more traveled.

Protect trees Hack #5: Eat less meat

Help! Cows are destroying our forests! The pigs are eating our trees!

That may be an exaggeration, but there is some truth in it. The cultivation of agricultural land is directly linked to deforestation, mainly because there is simply not enough space to accommodate the livestock.

In 2021, GreenPlanet reflects that 30% of habitable land (land that is not covered by ice) is reserved for livestock farming. If there is not enough land to produce the meat demand, the forests will have to go first to make more room. ¹

Plant protein is cheaper to produce and has a massively higher total yield.

Protect trees Hack #6: Recycle

Recycling doesn’t have to mean simply throwing the paper in a separate garbage can – you can reuse paper to wrap presents, when moving house or as papier-mâché.

If none of these secondary options suit you, just having a bin for waste paper is enough! Remember that all steps, big or small, are steps in the right direction to save trees from dying.

“A society is defined not only by what it creates, but also by what it refuses to destroy.” – John Sawhill

Protect trees hack #7: Consume wisely

Follow the woods

When buying new products, always look for the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) seal. The FSC ensures that every item you buy has been produced in an environmentally friendly way.

Be a panda

Bamboo can be produced and harvested in five years and fulfills the same function as trees. It is less harmful to the environment and even stronger than wood.

You can use bamboo in everything from paper products to furniture, the possibilities are truly endless.

Protect trees hack #8: Plant trees

Planting a tree is the most obvious component of our simple hacks.

If you plant a tree yourself, on a sunny day you will have the satisfaction of shade, greenery in your surroundings and a nice place to read a book underneath. Getting your hands dirty keeps the world clean.

If gardening isn’t your thing, allow Click A Tree to plant one in your name, easy!

Protect trees hack #9: opt for recycled products

Many brands now offer products made from recycled paper in their stock range. From notebooks to journals, boxes and sets – going green has never been so easy.

Look out for the green recycling logo on your purchase and rest assured that you have given a tree a second chance.

Share this article with your friends and let’s protect trees together!

Protect trees hack #10: Go outside

There’s nothing like falling in love with Mother Earth to inspire more passion to educate those around you about it! Posting images of the natural beauty of our world reminds us to preserve and care for it even more.

Pick up litter on your way to earn extra points and remember the most important quote about saving trees and our planet: “Just take pictures, leave only footprints.”

Do you like traveling? Then book through B’n’Tree and plant a tree with your booking – completely free of charge for you.

Simple hacks without changing your lifestyle

The smallest gestures are more effective than you think. Remember to control your consumption, tell others about it and do all you can to help our forests and families breathe cleaner.

As the Lorax once said: “I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, because the trees have no tongue.”

Would you like to plant a tree? Sign up for our newsletter and we’ll plant a tree for you – you can even give it a name.


¹ GreenPlanet

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