Why are trees important?

11 incredible reasons

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Whether elegant willow, proud oak, tall pine or scrawny mangrove: although trees are so mighty and diverse, we hardly notice them in our everyday lives.

While we spend most of our time looking down, we forget to look up.

Yet there are so many reasons why trees are great and vital and why we should pay much more attention to them.

Are you wondering why all this?

Here are our 11 reasons (in random order) why trees are simply vital.

Warum sind Bäume wichtig Lead Image Click A Tree

1. trees regulate the water cycle

The water cycle is the process by which water circulates on the earth.

After it falls to the ground as rain, it is absorbed by trees and other plants and released back into the air through transpiration.

A single tree that “drinks” continuously transports between 950-1500 liters of water back into the air every day.

Darum sind Bäume so wichtig - Grund 1 - Regulierung Wasserkreislauf

This is what makes trees so important for optimum humidity regulation.

It also keeps the water cycle in balance, which provides us with fresh water and keeps us alive.

Nature has developed its own rhythm of the water cycle.

Deforestation disrupts this cycle immensely and puts our water supply (which accounts for only 3% of the total water on earth) at risk.

So far, so good.

Now there are still 10 more reasons why trees are important.

2. trees create jobs

From protecting the rainforest to planting trees, from harvesting to biological and botanical research: Trees create a lot of jobs.

And often in regions where these jobs are urgently needed.

Gründe weshalb Bäume wichtig sind - Arbeitsplätze

Work in the countryside has existed for as long as there have been people.

But, as with many other physical jobs, it is mostly prevalent in low socio-economic areas.

Without trees, it would be almost impossible to supply the inhabitants of many small, often rural communities.

The conservation and reforestation of forests account for the majority of work with trees worldwide.

We need to protect these jobs for people whose lives depend on them.

Better still – create more jobs.

3. trees are an important habitat for wild animals

Surely we don’t need to explain why trees are great for wildlife too, do we?

Forests serve as a natural habitat for a large number of birds, insects and mammals.

These creatures have adapted to their environment over centuries and are dependent on it.

While one might initially think of large or exciting animals (such as elephants, tigers, gibbons, macaques or hornbills), a single tree is home to hundreds, if not thousands of other small creatures.

Snakes, frogs, millipedes, ants, termites, spiders, beetles, moths – they all depend on their home, the trees.

Bäume sind Lebensraum für Elefanten - darum sind Bäume so wichtig

It is assumed that continued deforestation will wipe out 28,000 species over the next 25 years.

Many of them would disappear from the face of the earth without ever being discovered.

Another reason why trees are important: They offer us the chance to discover these creatures one day after all.

4. trees improve soil quality

Trees improve the quality of the soil around them in many ways.

This enables them to filter carbon and other harmful substances from the earth.

And that allows other plants to thrive.

High quality soil should not contain more than 2% carbon.

In densely forested regions, this value can be as low as 0.05%.

In fact, the harvest can be doubled on land surrounded by trees. (S. our contribution to syntropic agriculture).

This works because the roots clean the soil.

And the better the yield, the less land is needed to feed the people.

Bäume sind wichtig weil sie vor Bodenerosion schützen

Trees also release important minerals into the soil as they shed their leaves.

This can be decomposed into mulch.

And finally, trees improve soil quality by drawing nutrients from the depths to the surface through their powerful roots.

This in turn makes the soil much more nutritious for other plants (including crops).

In short, if we want good soil for agriculture and biodiversity, we need to take care of our planet’s trees.

5. trees prevent soil erosion

Deforested areas are much more susceptible to desertification.

With their solid trunks and dense leaves, trees form a natural barrier against wind and flooding.

This barrier weakens natural forces and prevents bad weather from turning into natural disasters that destroy large areas.

In our tree planting project in the Philippines, we are concentrating on planting mangrove trees.

These trees form a natural protection for the land.

Tree roots have the important function of holding the soil together and preventing erosion.

In deforested areas, without them there is nothing to hold the soil in place.

The speed of incoming winds or monsoons can therefore not be slowed down.

In the event of sustained strong winds or rain, all the loose soil is swept away and the area is transformed into a quasi-desert.

6. trees as a source of food

Trees are a natural source of many essential foods.

It is common knowledge that the world’s population would have more than enough to eat if everyone ate a vegan diet.

Bäume sind auch als Nahrungsquelle enorm wichtig

We can obtain many nutrients from trees alone.

The range extends from nuts and fruit to syrup made from flowers and resins.

Spices made from aromatic barks such as cinnamon are also included.

Trees are an incredibly rich source of food for humans.

And hey – with the firewood they provide, we can prepare food that would otherwise be indigestible for us.

One of the many reasons why trees are great is that they give us so many vital things.

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7. trees reduce noise

Just as trees combat air pollution, they play an important role in reducing noise pollution.

Noise is a major effect of urbanization, traffic and industrialization.

Not only is it a nuisance for humans, it also has devastating effects on wildlife.

Noise caused by humans interferes with animal sonar and navigation systems.

On the other hand, it can disrupt entire ecosystems.

For example, some breeding birds do not nest in areas with higher noise pollution.

Bäume sind wichtig für die Lärmreduktion

The foliage of the trees has a sound-absorbing effect.

By buffering the volume of ambient noise, the wildlife is protected from noise.

Noise produced by people.

8. and light pollution

Not only as a buffer against noise, foliage also serves as a barrier against unwanted light pollution.

Just like noise, light pollution in cities is more than annoying.

It also disturbs animal habitats.

As nocturnal mammals, species such as birds, moths and badgers are dependent on a daily cycle of light and darkness.

This regulates their internal clock and helps them with orientation and foraging.

Wichtigkeit der Bäume anhand der reduzierten Lichtverschmutzung

Newly planted trees help to reduce the effects of pollution around the world.

Another valuable reason why trees are important.

9. trees combat climate change

One factor that influences global warming and climate change is the level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that is known to trap heat.

On a rapidly warming planet, the excess carbon dioxide produced by humans is literally trapping heat in our atmosphere.

When a tree grows, it absorbs carbon dioxide from the air in a process known as photosynthesis.

It stores carbon in the wood and releases oxygen molecules.

For this reason, forests act like giant filter systems.

Trees remove greenhouse gases from the air and only release them again when they are burned or composted back into the soil.

Bäume sind wichtig im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel

For this reason, deforestation has two negative effects.

The natural CO² filters are not only removed, they are often burned afterwards, releasing the carbon they have stored back into the atmosphere.

When a tree is fully grown, it hardly filters any carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Less new wood is produced and no more carbon is needed.

With responsible forest management, older trees can be carefully felled to absorb the maximum amount of carbon from the air.

This creates a “carbon sink”.

Trees are crucial in the fight against climate change.

Without the world’s forests, we would have no chance.

10. trees produce oxygen

There is a lot of truth in the saying that the Amazon rainforests are the green lungs of our planet.

We already know how trees filter CO² from the air.

An additional advantage of trees is that they produce oxygen as a by-product.

Trees not only remove unhealthy air, they also replace it with clean air.

Bäume als Sauerstoffproduzent sind super wichtig

Considering that the human body is made up of two-thirds oxygen, that’s pretty good news!

Without a constant supply of oxygen, our days would be numbered.

And since photosynthesis is our greatest source of oxygen, we should do everything we can to protect our trees!

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11. healing trees

You don’t have to be a scientist to notice the difference when you walk into a forest.

Ten minutes ago you may have been stressed, worried about work and your responsibilities, but as soon as you enter the forest, it’s like entering a different world.

You become calmer, your breathing deepens and your thoughts no longer race so much.

Trees heal our body, mind and soul.

Bäume heilen und sind deshalb enorm wichtig

As you can see, trees are not only important for the planet and the animal world, but also for us humans.

You, me, we all benefit from trees.

So let’s plant even more trees together!

The best time to do this is now.

Let's create forests!

Imagine if you could not only plant individual trees, but also create entire forests!

Sounds good?


Just get in touch with us and we’ll discuss how we can implement tree planting sustainably and profitably in your company.

We already work with hundreds of companies. And we’ll find the ideal solution for you too.

FAQ about Why Trees are Important

Here you will find brief answers to the most frequently asked questions about why trees are important.

Trees are incredibly important for numerous reasons.

They produce oxygen, vital for human and animal life.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide, helping to combat climate change.

They provide habitat and food for countless species.

Trees prevent soil erosion and improve water quality.

They offer shade, reducing energy costs and providing comfort.

Trees also enhance the beauty of landscapes and promote mental well-being.

  1. Oxygen Production: Trees release oxygen, essential for life.
  2. Carbon Sequestration: They absorb carbon dioxide, mitigating climate change.
  3. Habitat: Trees provide homes for numerous wildlife species.
  4. Soil Protection: Their roots prevent soil erosion and improve soil quality.
  5. Water Conservation: Trees enhance water quality by reducing runoff and filtering pollutants.
  6. Climate Regulation: They help moderate temperatures by providing shade and reducing the urban heat island effect.
  7. Air Quality: Trees filter pollutants, improving air quality.
  8. Food Source: Many trees produce fruits, nuts, and other edible products.
  9. Aesthetic Value: Trees enhance the beauty of landscapes and urban areas.
  10. Mental Health: Access to green spaces with trees can improve mental well-being and reduce stress.

If there are no trees, the consequences would be dire.

  1. Oxygen Depletion: The amount of available oxygen would decrease.
  2. Increased CO2 Levels: Carbon dioxide levels would rise, exacerbating climate change.
  3. Habitat Loss: Many species would lose their homes, leading to biodiversity decline.
  4. Soil Erosion: Without roots to stabilize the soil, erosion would increase, causing landslides and loss of fertile land.
  5. Water Cycle Disruption: Trees play a crucial role in the water cycle, and their absence would disrupt rainfall patterns.
  6. Temperature Rise: Lack of shade would lead to higher temperatures and increased energy costs.
  7. Air Quality Decline: Air pollution would worsen without trees to filter contaminants.
  8. Food Shortage: Loss of fruit and nut trees would reduce food sources.
  9. Aesthetic Impact: Landscapes would become barren and less appealing.
  10. Mental Health Issues: Lack of green spaces could negatively affect mental health and well-being.

Trees serve numerous essential purposes.

  1. Oxygen Production: They produce oxygen, crucial for breathing.
  2. Carbon Sequestration: Trees absorb carbon dioxide, helping to mitigate climate change.
  3. Timber and Wood Products: Trees provide wood for construction, furniture, and paper.
  4. Food: Many trees produce fruits, nuts, and other edible items.
  5. Medicine: Various tree parts are used in traditional and modern medicines.
  6. Shade and Cooling: Trees offer shade, reducing temperatures and energy costs.
  7. Habitat: They provide homes for a wide range of wildlife species.
  8. Erosion Control: Tree roots stabilize soil, preventing erosion.
  9. Air Quality: Trees filter pollutants, improving the quality of the air.
  10. Aesthetic Value: Trees enhance the beauty of landscapes and urban environments.
  11. Recreation: Forests and parks provide spaces for recreation and relaxation.

Trees give us numerous benefits.

  1. Oxygen: They produce the oxygen we breathe.
  2. Carbon Sequestration: Trees absorb carbon dioxide, helping to fight climate change.
  3. Wood and Paper: They provide timber for construction and paper products.
  4. Food: Trees yield fruits, nuts, and other edible products.
  5. Medicine: Many trees have medicinal properties used in treatments.
  6. Shade and Cooling: Trees offer shade, cooling the environment and reducing energy costs.
  7. Wildlife Habitat: They provide homes for countless animal species.
  8. Soil Stabilization: Tree roots prevent soil erosion.
  9. Air Purification: Trees filter pollutants, improving air quality.
  10. Aesthetic Value: They beautify landscapes and urban areas.
  11. Recreation and Well-being: Forests and parks with trees offer spaces for leisure and mental relaxation.

Life is better with trees because they improve air quality, provide oxygen, support mental health, offer habitats for wildlife, and help combat climate change.

Trees provide oxygen, improve air quality, and offer shade.

They support wildlife, combat climate change, and prevent soil erosion.

Trees also enhance mental well-being and beautify landscapes.

Trees are our best friends because they provide essential oxygen, improve air quality, and offer shade.

They support wildlife, combat climate change, and stabilize soil.

Trees also enhance mental well-being and beautify our surroundings.

We can save trees by planting new ones and protecting existing ones.

Reduce paper use and recycle to lessen deforestation.

Support and follow sustainable forestry practices.

Advocate for and enforce laws against illegal logging.

Educate others about the importance of trees and conservation efforts.

Participate in community tree-planting and preservation programs.

Read more hacks to protect trees here.