Diana Porter Jewellery Associate Prize


Diana Porter


Laura Cruikshank


DJCAD University of Dundee


The prize given includes a £500 cash prize to support the development of your designs. Alongside this there will be an opportunity to meet with our team for two mentoring sessions. These sessions will include time with our Workshop, Retail and Marketing Managers to help launch your career.

We will also showcase your work in an exhibition in our gallery.


Every design in this collection used different techniques demonstrating Laura’s dynamic skill set and advanced craftsmanship.



Integrity in design and concept, innovative and unique craftsmanship, consideration of materials used.


‘Laura Cruikshank’s work is process driven where the rhythms of making, observing, drawing and gathering overlap. This allows a continual progression and development of compositions which are playfully arranged and rearranged amongst an ever-growing library of abstracted forms, textures and the study of subtle movement.

Maintaining a working pace that allows time and space for contemplation and serendipitous discovery of composition is integral to the work.

Direct connection to materials through a love of traditional techniques such as; lost wax casting, chasing, keum boo, filigree and chain making, combine to inform an in depth exploration of shape, texture, tone and movement.

Each work is constructed with meticulous care and patience and embodies the time and enjoyment imbued by the making process.

This collection aims to inspire a curiosity in others for the act of paying attention to the rich, tactile and everchanging natural environment around us and to offer an engagement with composition through interaction with individual elements where a balance can be found that is personal to the individual’