The Clothworkers’ Company

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The Clothworkers’ Company is one of the Great Twelve Livery Companies in the City of London. Founded in 1528, following a merger between The Fullers’ and Shearmen’s Companies, our original purpose was to protect our members and promote the craft of cloth-finishing within the City.

Today, we support textiles through technical education, skills development and historic conservation. We also proudly participate in Civic Society in the City, foster fellowship and encourage trusteeship among our members, and make charitable grants to social causes through The Clothworkers’ Foundation.


The Clothworkers’ Company, with its rich textile heritage, has an enduring mission to support a broad range of textiles-related activity in the UK. It is a key strategic aim to encourage innovation and foster talent among students and young designers – particularly those who demonstrate an advanced understanding of textile technologies and possess the ability to convert ideas into products. The Clothworkers’ New Designers award helps recognise talent and support young designers in pursuing their textiles careers.


The Clothworkers’ Company has supported New Designers for 11 years.

2020_Ellen Martin

Image: Work of Ellen Martin, 2020 Winner of The Clothworkers’ Company Printed Textile Award

2019 Clara Leitao (winner) with judges Christopher McLean May and Emily May

Image: 2019 Printed Textiles Award winner Clara Leitao with judges Christopher McLean May and Emily May

2018_Claudia Veneroni

Image: 2018 Printed Textile Design Prize winner Claudia Veneroni